Usability Testing: Quick Guide

Usability Testing A complete software testing process is made up of hundreds of tests to assure best quality as well as the likelihood of thehigh success of the software. One of the most important tests performed is the Usability testing. It assuresthat the users will like the software and make it a big hit. In simpler words, this testing is performed by the software testing experts to assure that the software is user friendly or not. If we talk technically, it is a part of black-box testing , which is performed with a creative and critical approach to find all roadblocks in a journey of positive user experience. It also falls under the functional testing category. Usability Testing Definition The usability testing is a process of testing and validating an application / solution under various situations to assure it is easy to learn, navigate and use. The usability testing defines the user friendliness of the software and also helps in making it better by removing all...